Did anyone ever call you a Bitch? ( notice the capital “B”) Do you think you deserved that? How do you feel when people use that word? How do you react? Do you react at all?
Have you ever called anyone else a Bitch? Did she get on your LAST nerve? Be careful using that word around a woman in menopause…..her reaction may be “OFF WITH YOUR HEAD!”
On any given day the word doesn’t bother me. I’ve heard worse….much worse. I do question those who use it so frequently though. I wonder if they could possibly expand their vocabulary into saying something constructive. I agree with the saying “if you don’t have anything good to say then say nothing at all!” It seems logical. And safe.
These days it seems like people have plenty of negative things to say and they want to make sure that everyone knows it. They will tell you where to go and how to get there! And don’t dare engage them or there may be an onslaught of destruction, you’ll feel their wrath. Sometimes I just want to yell “SHUT UP!”
That’s not to say that I haven’t used the word a time or two myself. I usually downgrade my anger and instead of being VERY colorful I settle for the “B” word.
In a different context, have you ever experienced someone’s “Bitching” session or had the pleasure of having your own? I know when I’ve had a bad day and nothing seems to be going right I catch myself Bitching about everything! Not that it really helps or is constructive. It may just take the edge off of things by letting off a little steam. Hopefully I haven’t offended too many people, not on purpose anyway.
When was the last time YOU had a Bitching session? What was it about? Did you ever witness someone else’s Bitching session? Inquiring minds want to know 😉