It’s a rather interesting time in a woman’s life with so much happening in your brain, your body, and your world. Each and every day can pose a new, often unexpected twist or turn of mood, seemingly uncontrollable emotions, and many times completely irrational behavior and/or reactions that can lead to utter chaos. It can also happen in record time—in split seconds, in fact, with no warning!
There is no official survivors guide, yet I humbly offer these suggestions both for yourself and others.
Don’t try to talk me off the edge. Chance are if you’re in my vicinity you now become my prisoner and are coming with me when I go over.
DO: Kindly offer me CHOCOLATE and walk away (Save yourself)
Don’t tell me it’s okay or that it will be. It’s not, and how the hell do you know anyway?! Do you have some magic crystal ball that solves all woes?
DO: Just keep your mouth shut and GIVE ME CHOCOLATE! (Seems easy enough)
Don’t tell me to relax and breath. Oh, I’m breathing all right. I’m breathing fire and unless you want your ass burnt to a crisp I suggest you steer clear of me and walk the other way, pretend you don’t even see me. Eye contact can be dangerous!
DO: Chocolate will do just fine, thank you (Can you handle that?)
Don’t tell me you understand. Chances are you don’t even have a friggin’ clue! You might have a general idea or smidgen of understanding if you are in your 40’s or older. But, yeah, you guessed it….
Do: HAND OVER THE CHOCOLATE AND NO ONE GETS HURT!!! (Let’s keep this simple)
Have YOU ever experienced or witnessed menopause being dangerous? Do tell! 😉
** Please feel free to download your free copy of HAND OVER THE CHOCOLATE AND NO ONE GETS HURT
I am so grateful I missed the *dangerous* stage!!
Tears? Hurt feelings? Feelings of inadequacy? Nailed that!!
btw – chocolate heals with those feelings too 😉
I’m so grateful I missed the *dangerous* stage.
Tears? Hurt feelings? Feelings of inadequacy? Nailed those!!
btw – chocolate helps with that too!!
Loooooooove the chocolate!!!!!!! 🙂
I threw things in the approaching years to menopause. I had no idea what was going on in me. I never threw stuff at people, just at floors and walls. I lost a lot dishes. Looking back, it’s quite funny.
Take 25 to Hollister
lol It IS funny…because no one got hurt I don’t throw anything but words (usually when no one can hear me) I have quite the colorful vocabulary though…expanding everyday! 😉
I think maybe C should have been for chocolate!
lol Crazy is the problem, chocolate is the solution…..ALWAYS! It helps me calm my crazy 🙂 Thanks Kari
My mother went through menopause and I never even knew it. Granted, I lived on the other side of the world at the time, but she never mentioned anything in any of the conversations we’ve had. I got a passing comment once on a trip back home, and that was it.
N J Magas, author
That is AMAZING! It seems to be experienced in extremes. Most times it’s either a breeze or hell. I think I fall somewhere in the middle 🙂 Wishing you an easy transition when its your time 🙂 Have a beautiful day! Thanks for posting
Interesting topic you chose. Yep. It is a good diea to stock up on chocolate 🙂
Thank you 🙂 INDEED chocolate makes the world a safer and happier place 🙂 Thanks for posting. Have an awesome chocolate filled day 🙂