There doesn’t seem to be enough kindness in the world. So many grumpy and miserable people. Was it always like that and I’m just starting to notice that now? Or is it just lately that it has gotten out of control? People are stressed and worried. It seems to be rubbing off on me. I don’t want to look and feel like that. Ehhh. It takes a lot of consciousness sometimes to see the brighter side and to stay there.
A little kindness goes a long way. I can be having a challenging time and someone can randomly smile at me and brighten my day. Sometimes my heart smiles back not just my face. A smile really doesn’t cost you anything and usually makes you and the other person feel good. Is it really that hard to try?
There are times when I smile at a person in the grocery store and we wind up having a wonderful conversation about all kinds of things, surprising things, fun things. Other times they look at me like I want to steal their purse or something. That actually hurts me. If it happens a few times in a row I actually cry. It’s sad to know that people can’t even exchange pleasantries without suspicion.
I practice random acts of kindness anyway, it makes me feel good. I just can’t take on the nonsense of others. Life is too short. I can’t force anyone else to be happy or for them to even try. I DO have control over myself and my choices. I decide to smile. How about you?
What kind things do you do for yourself? For others? What kind things do you like to receive? Do you expect them? Prefer when they are random and unsolicited? What are your views on kindness?
There is not enough kindness in our world, which sometimes seems overrun with intolerance and mean spiritedness.
Hi Carol. Thanks for stopping by. YES indeed! Not enough, I agree with you. Have a wonderful day 🙂