How does that feel to you? What does that look like for you? What kind of experience is your MMMMM? Is it a thought? A feeling? A taste? A memory?
My MMMMM is chocolate…..
Chocolate goes well with EVERYTHING. There are endless varieties, too! You can enjoy something different every single day. I bet you can consume a different piece of chocolate every day of the year and never have the same piece twice – 365 days of chocolate…..ahhhhhh…..can you imagine it?
You can eat it anywhere, or more accurately EVERYWHERE! You can be home in your sweats, driving down the highway, outside while walking the dog, at the beach, or in the boardroom. You can even have some during a hot flash—melted chocolate is wonderful! …..ooooooh…can you feel it?
You can eat it ANYTIME! Day or night…the minute you wake up (If you have slept at all, that is). It’s a wonderful meal and/or meal substitute. An afternoon snack, or perhaps an appetizer for each and every meal (My personal favorite). Just sayin’…. Of course you can have it for dessert like ordinary folks but why limit yourself? ……mmmmmmm….can you taste it?
I think I even dream in chocolate! Lol
Do tell…..what is your MMMMM? Are you alone or with someone else to experience it? Public or private? Daytime or nighttime? Lights on or lights off?
🙂 Off I go……there is chocolate waiting for me……I think I hear it calling my name……..
You can’t beat chocolate. MMMM