This is not a conversation about your house, car or credit. It does involve money though…..well, partly.
It’s about you. ALL you. Nothing but you. YOU, YOU – YOU!!! It’s time to invest in you.
We all have dreams, goals or some sort of bucket list- even if they are just in our heads. Even if not another living soul knows about it. It’s always there. In the deep recesses of your mind, or constantly in the forefront.
Have you paid attention to it lately? It’s not ever going to go away, you know. It beckons you to honor it and bring it to fruition.
Sometimes it whispers, sometimes it screams!
Is there a place that you’ve always wanted to visit?
Is there a specific language that you’ve always wanted to learn?
Is there a business or an idea that needs to get off the ground? Taken to the next level? Expanded?
How about learning to play a new instrument?
A new dance…or two?
A craft?
With access to the internet and tons of free information the research is right at your fingertips.
Can you find a creative way to save up for a special event or purchase?
I challenge you to pick out at least ONE thing on your list and make it happen. Give yourself a specific time frame and budget to work towards. GO FOR IT!
I wonder what you’ll choose……..? Care to share?
Until we meet again…Have a FANTATIC day!
This reminds me of Julia Cameron and her ideas for Artist Dates. 🙂
Yvonne V
Thanks, I’ll have to look into that. I love learning new info.
We did just that last November with a return to the motherland – England – on an Airbus A380. It was fabulous!
Open Minded Mormon A-Z
Hi Duncan, thanks for stopping by. Its so good to hear that you took that precious time for yourself…and that you ENJOYED it! Well done!
Thanks for sharing.
Hi Susanne, you are so welcome. Thank YOU so much for stopping by. Wishing you joy during your A to Z Challenge!
What a thoughtful post. I am already thinking about something that I have been putting off doing, although to be honest participating in the A-Z challenge is certainly one of those things.
Good luck with the challenge…
Hi Ellen. It all has a way of working out, doesn’t it? Thank you so very much for stopping by. Keep up the great work!