K is for RE-KINDLE
Within the word ‘kindle’ is the word ‘kind.’ Are you…or have you ever really been kind to yourself?
How do you speak TO yourself or ABOUT yourself?
Do you use kind words to describe yourself or is there a constant borage of ‘should-haves,’ ‘shouldn’t haves,’ etc.
It’s time to RE-KINDLE the relationship that you have with yourself.
Are you able to go one whole week without putting yourself down with words or thoughts? How about a day? Can you try for an hour?
Really pay attention and become as aware as you can about how you think about yourself and how you act towards yourself. You might be surprised.
It’s time to be K.I.N.D.
K = Kiss. Give yourself a kiss. When you see yourself in the mirror smile and blow yourself a kiss. If you’re driving, you can kiss the back of your hand and say “You’re the best!” It may seem silly, but it’s great.
I = Incredible Hugs. Give yourself the biggest, tightest hug that you possibly could at least twice a day. Once when you wake up and once before you go to bed. Of course random hugs throughout the day are welcomed too.
N = Nice thoughts and words about yourself. No matter what, no matter where, no matter when!
D = Deeds. Do 1 nice thing for yourself daily. A kind word. A smile in the mirror. Something simple. Have fun with it. See if you can find a different thing to do each day, no repeats for at least a week.
Try it. It may not be easy at first. Build some momentum with it and see how doing this for about a week or so can change your whole perspective. You ROCK!
A nice sentiment! We are usually kinder to others than ourselves.
unfortunately in most cases that is true…time to change the tide. 🙂
Great way to look at re kindle and some very good ideas too!
Thank you. It actually gets to be fun once you gain momentum. Most days I look forward to it with excitement…other days its a bit more of a challenge.
Women rarely think about being kind to their own selves. Great reminder.
Ninja Minion
Wishing you a day full of K.I.N.D.ness.