It’s time to look at your value and RE-NEGOTIATE life on your terms.
Let’s look at your procrastination, fears, and excuses and see what they are costing you.
Just how expensive are they?
How much TIME does it rob you of?
How much HEALTH does it cost you?
How much of your LIFE does it steal?
Are you trading your time and life for habits that deplete your health and waste your time?
Are you so exhausted from loosing your power to these useless drains on your spirit and dreams?
Sit with these questions and really think about them.
Honestly answer them. How do they make you feel?
Do you realize that they can bankrupt you?
I suggest that you give yourself a raise, that’s right a raise.
A raise in your awareness. A raise in taking your control back and realizing that you have choices.
Really inventory your value – you are worth so much more than you’ve led yourself to believe.
Maybe some ‘stinkin thinkin’ can be traded in for a few new positive perceptions.
Maybe some self pity can be swapped for some hope.
Maybe some judgement and self-sabotage can be exchanged for acceptance and love.
What are you willing to give up in order to gain the life you want and deserve?
Great word choice for N! Congrats on keeping up-to-date with your posts!
Hello Nilanjana, congrats to you as well! Almost can’t believe that we are more than half way through!