M is for RE-MIND
How often do you forget things? Important things? Little things?
It’s easy to do. We seem to have a lot of plates spinning in the air.
Here, there, everywhere.
What we forget most often and who we forget most often is ourselves and what makes our lives so special.
Chances are you’ve been here a few decades and have learned a thing or two, been through various experiences – good, bad or otherwise, and are caught up in the rat-race in some way.
This is a reminder to take a few reminder breaks….just for you.
RE-MIND yourself to Smile: Think of something at least once a day that brings a smile to your face and wear it as long as you can. Life is challenging and we need to tip the scales in our favor every chance that we get. Whatever makes you smile warms your soul. Do it as often as you can. There are way too many situations and circumstances that can try and rob you of your joy. Please don’t let that happen.
RE-MIND yourself to be Grateful: So much in life is taken for granted, especially in this day and age. There are dozens of people who wish they could be in your shoes, literally and figuratively. What 1 thing could you be grateful for today? Remember that as you go throughout your day. You may not have the ‘perfect’ life or one that you brag about from mountain tops, but I bet there are many things that you can be grateful for, even if it’s only for a few minutes.
RE-MIND yourself to Breathe: Take a few deep breaths. Slow down and really be aware of your breaths. Have them be intentional and clearing. Release any stress or frustration. It will only take about a minute or so. You can try this while you’re driving, especially when you’re stopped at a red light, during an entire song or for 1 mile.
I’m here to RE-MIND you to put YOU back in your day, on your list and in your thoughts.
Until we meet again….Have a MARVELOUS day!
Excellent post. All of those are things we should remember to do. My Aunt’s New Year’s Resolution this year (and last) was to smile more!
Great idea! Thanks for stopping by Susan. Enjoy the second half of the A to Z Challenge 🙂