Q is for RE-QUIRE
What is it that you really require in your life?
Besides food clothing and shelter, what else do you feel is essential for you to live a happy and healthy life?
Most people would say Love.
Love makes the world go around.
There are so many forms of love so its possible that you can have all your bases covered and needs met.
Can you recall all the times in your life when you felt loved?
Some of the greatest gifts of love that I have received come from times when a complete stranger would look me in the eye and share a smile. A genuine, from the heart – smile. They shared a part of themselves so vulnerable and real that it moves me – every time. This, I feel, is love. Someone took a few seconds to share with me a gift that will linger on in my mind and heart for who knows how long. I don’t know their struggles or concerns and they don’t know mine, yet in that moment- it all blurs out- and we exchange a simple, profound and meaningful bit of love. We will probably never see each other again yet we live on in each others memory.
Has this ever happened to you? Did you receive it well? Did you initiate the exchange? How does it make you feel?
What other things do you RE-QUIRE in your life that makes you complete, whole?
You play many roles and much is RE-QUIRED OF you.
Can you take some time and journal about 1 thing in your life that makes you smile and makes you feel validated? It can be something you do for yourself, or the great way you take care of yourself. It can come from someone else who says or does something for you or with you. It can be a breathtaking view of nature or a simple walk.
Spend at least a half hour or so and write down everything that comes to mind. You may smile, or cry or laugh- its ALL okay. Celebrate what make you – YOU!
Until we meet again…Have a QUALITY day!
Soothing and inspiring. Thank you for this post!
Thank you Durba. Wishing you a beautiful and peaceful day.
A stranger’s love moves us. And it should too. Because it is given without any requirement of reciprocation. Personally, I like to celebrate the love I receive from friends and family too. The small gestures that we often tend to overlook and focus only on the (absence of) grand ones. Love, like charity, must begin at home and spread outward from there.
I have enjoyed reading, not just this post, but each one that I have over here. Each one is thought provoking and has lifted my day a little. Thank you.
Ninja Minion, A-Z 2016
Hello Nilanjana. I appreciate all of your visits and comments, It warms my heart. Thank you for sharing YOU! I consider that an act of love as well 🙂 Wishing an outstandingly beautiful day!
Being mindful of environment and small pleasures – a good book, beautiful music, wonders of nature, a fat furry pup who wants her tummy rubbed. It’s the little things.
🙂 That actually sounds like bliss! Enjoy the rest of the A to Z Challenge.